The "Near-Lethal" Time Weapon
Follow me on Twitter and Instagram . There is a type of "Time Weapon" out there. supposedly built during the '60s. It speeds up time...

The TI-32 "Eye of God" Satellite
Follow me on Twitter and Instagram . The Federal Bureau of Investigation has secret files. They see these files as not subject to the...

MIB Files: Monolithic Squid
Follow me on Twitter and Instagram . Most people out there know there are Giant Squid . And that there are even larger Colossal Squid...

World War 3 is Hybrid Warfare
Follow me on Twitter and Instagram Let me start by letting you in on a "stolen" government secret. I never signed anything, so I'm not...

Cattle Mutilation as a Torture Method
Follow me on Twitter and Instagram The so-called Cattle Mutilations are a type of psychological warfare. It's meant to send a message...

Synthetic Telepathy Brain-to-Computer Interface Implant
Follow me on Twitter and Instagram . I'm sorry to say, but Neuralink is like playing with sticks and stones. But you have to start...

Time Travel via Electromagnetic Radiation
Follow me on Twitter and Instagram First off, let me say that I don't know everything. I don't have all the technical details. I have...

U.S. Secret Service EWS (Early Warning System)
Follow me on Twitter and Instagram . There may be a reason that the John F. Kennedy files are so classified. After the assassination...

Brain Scan A.I.
Are you on YouTube? Subscribe to my channel. Book now available. Get it here. New revelations have come forth regarding UCC-117. She is...

Electronic Harassment and the Law
Are you on YouTube? Subscribe to my channel. Book now available. Get it here. For the harassers, one law they are suspected of...