Cattle Mutilation as a Torture Method

The so-called Cattle Mutilations are a type of psychological warfare. It's meant to send a message as if to say:
"This is what's coming. This is what we're going to do to you."
It's only reserved for the worst of the worst. Murderous pedophiles. Genociders. That type of thing. The people who arrange things in a way that makes them "untouchable".
Those that kill witnesses. Use encryption and one-time pads. Criminals who might never be traced and you can't prove anything. Slimeballs that have been doing this a long time. People in power that have bribed judges and have cops on the payroll or blackmailed.
The kind that you can't really get to without putting yourself in danger. Even high-level people who wield power themselves might not want to get involved. It creates a precarious situation. Merely calling the cops might not do anything. So you have to find a way to intervene.
Before the torture begins, you start with the mutilation of livestock. You do it early to get it into the public consciousness for a while. Let it simmer and stew. Let the authorities examine things. Credible people with credentials. Let them realize they're up against something they can't possibly comprehend. Something far beyond their technology for the time.
Let them wonder why. What is the purpose of this? Who would benefit from it? Why is all their blood drained and only their lips and eyes removed, but not much else? Why is there still over $3,000 worth of meat still sitting here?
And how in the HELL did it get up in that TREE?!
It's an insidious torture. Because it gets in your head. DECADES in advance. It lets you think it over for a while. Turn your gears for a bit. Let it all sink in.
Then one day you see it was done to a PERSON.
The man had his organs sucked out of his body through a small hole. It was thought his cause of death was pain. As in pain itself was what killed him. It was said the sheer amount was what caused cardiac arrest. As if someone wanted to send the message:
"This will kill you and it's going to hurt the whole time you're dying."
The overall goal here is to give your enemy a sense of complete helplessness. To make them think the opponent they face is practically supernatural. That it's so advanced it might as well be alien. That they have the ability to plant the seeds to get it started before you were even born, or while you were still young. And that you are powerless to stop it. It couldn't be a more vulgar show of force.
I saw some footage of people who were mutilated. It was ghastly. They were fighters in Afghanistan. Real true blue al-Qaeda. They were the worst of the worst. The kind of jihadists that practiced genital mutilation and took child brides on the regular.
They were bad people. Like in the United States a few years ago during cannabis prohibition, when a cop was busting someone they'd say something like "where's the weed". It was so pervasive that you knew it was a safe bet it was everywhere. For these al-Qaeda members, it was "where's the child pornography" whenever they were being shaken down.
It was a given that they had it. Their entire system of blackmail relied on it. And these "people" had the audacity to bomb civilians while they were doing it. And torture people. All the while hiding behind religion as if they were the righteous victims of all this.
So the mutilations began.
Whoever was doing it would kidnap one of them. Perhaps they'd go missing during the night. By daybreak, everyone had been going about their daily routine, but they knew one of them was missing. They'd wonder where they were.
Then they'd hear "Aaauuuhhh!" out in the distance. They'd see someone walking towards their camp waving their hands and shouting towards them. But they couldn't understand what they were saying.
They'd get closer and closer, and the jihadists would grab their guns to go meet them. They didn't recognize the person who was approaching, and they wouldn't answer back who it was. They'd just shout something like "aaauuuhhh" in varying volumes and syllables.
Eventually, someone would recognize who it was. It was usually one of their leaders. And when they saw what happened to them, it shook them to the very core of their being. Those who were very pious would begin praying immediately. Others would vomit, or drop to their knees and begin crying after what they saw.
The camera footage showed a man. He looked abnormally pale. All the hair on his head was gone. His lips were entirely removed all the way around his face, exposing all his teeth and gums. Both ears were gone. One of his eyes was removed. We think whoever did it left one so he could find his way back.
This tissue removal was done with the utmost precision, and there were no signs of bleeding on the wounds anywhere. Only slight bits of blood on his clothes. Likely from fighting.
He seemed to have trouble talking. They kept asking him questions like "Where were you? Are you okay? What happened?" He couldn't answer intelligibly.
They had him open his mouth. The camera panned in to show what was inside. His tongue was missing.
It made one of them begin to vomit right after seeing it. The mutilated jihadist couldn't talk or answer questions. Just made odd sounds.
And that wasn't all that happened. It was found out later that his anus was completely cored out. He couldn't hold in any waste. It would make his last days miserable, as he would smell everywhere he went. He had to endure the humiliation of wearing a diaper, and nobody wanted to be near him.
There are a lot of things that are classified during the War on Terror. Many people out there in Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere, saw many UFOs, or UAPs as they're called now, out on the battlefield. Including U.S. personnel. In fact, there were so many of them, that it almost became a way of life. They were expected.
The other thing that's classified about al-Qaeda is their system of blackmail and pedophilia. If the people knew the truth about what was going on, there would be riots and people would demand they be nuked and their very existence erased from the face of the Earth.
And it may have happened before. The blackmail system may have been seen previously, and it may be something so old that it could have originated by the ninja families in Japan.
It was known that the Nazis were allied with the Japanese during WWII. Maybe they learned something while they were over there. The Germans also had ties in the Middle East, notably Iran. The idea may have made its way to Iraq and Afghanistan from there.
The Kamikaze suiciders may have been people who had blackmail on them. They were likely told that if they kill themselves, they will tell everyone they died for the emperor with honor. If they didn't, they would tell their families and friends they were a disgrace.
The same is done with al-Qaeda. They catch people in "stings" and get blackmail on them. Then they tell the person if they become a suicide bomber, they will tell their families they were fighting for Allah instead of the truth.
The fact that the two nuclear bombs that were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were named "Fat Man" and "Little Boy" may have been very VERY deliberate. And we'll just leave it at that.
These are the real monsters that go bump in the night.
Sweet dreams.
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