Synthetic Telepathy Brain-to-Computer Interface Implant

I'm sorry to say, but Neuralink is like playing with sticks and stones. But you have to start SOMEWHERE, and this was Humanity's best shot at it based on the information and materials available at this time, in the year of our lord, two thousand and twenty-five.
And there's nothing wrong with that. Sometimes, you have to work with what you have. There's no shame in that. That's how you learn things and progress. Now we know what NOT to do. We've gathered some experience, leveled up, and can move on to bigger and better things.
Let's get started. We're working on the honor system here. Please don't steal my stuff.
The Synthetic Telepathy (SynTel) brain implant is a Brain to Computer Interface (BCI). At first glance, it's ovoid in shape. Almost like an egg. It's actually brain-shaped like it was scaled down. It's inserted into the brain with a large-bore needle as an infant. Ideally newborn, or as close to it as possible. It's done as a newborn because the insertion process is still a bit "traumatic" to the brain tissue.
If you do it when they're young, it gives the brain time to repair itself and grow around the implant so it was like it never happened. The brain is a blank slate at this point, so nothing would be lost. You would grow as normal around any damaged tissue.
This is far better than opening up an already grown adult's brain and hoping for the best. It's also why a lot of implants may fail, as the body has not had time to allow the implant to basically become a part of itself and make room for it. As if it were always there like part of the body.
It's also recommended that an implant candidate be a Cesarian Section birth, as they tend to have a larger cranial circumference. While the implant itself is small, it's best to have as much "room" as possible for the brain to grow around it without difficulty and let the tissue optimize itself in the remaining space.
Unfortunately, this brings up ethical questions, as a parent would need to decide for the child before they are capable of deciding for themselves. Like circumcision, for example. However, there could be many benefits to this implantation, as it would create opportunities to keep the child safe.
They would be able to find them if they were lost or kidnapped. Missing 411 would be a thing of the past. Any and all Human trafficking would cease. Pedophiles and grooming gangs could no longer operate.
It has a two-way communication ability and would enable a person to communicate should they become incapacitated from an accident or injury, such as the cases of "locked-in syndrome". You can hear someone's internal subvocalization.
It would enable the blind to see and the deaf to hear, as cameras and microphones could insert data directly to the brain, bypassing the eyes and ears entirely. It stimulates the occipital lobe and auditory cortex directly, allowing you to see pictures, videos, and even text. It's seen in the "mind's eye" just as you would visualize something.
It would take carrying nothing more than a common smartphone to stream a live audio and or visual feed, just like people already do on YouTube, and then feed it to your own brain. You'd never get lost, as maps and turn-by-turn navigation could be broadcast directly to the brain. The technology is already there waiting to be utilized.
It also has the ability to control machinery, as it can access the motor cortex. Wheelchairs would be a thing of the past, and a person would be able to control a powered exoskeleton to walk. With practice, over time it would become second nature, as new neural pathways would form. Bionic arms could be controlled allowing amputees to be able to feed and take care of themselves once again, giving them the dignity they deserve.
The quality-of-life applications alone can't be denied, and a parent may choose to have their child implanted, if not for everyday use, but as a "safeguard" to protect their child against any possible future incidents. When the technology is proven, it could become so pervasive that a parent might look "inhumane" if they DIDN'T have their child implanted. As if they didn't love them.
The implant is composed of a biocompatible polymer with a lower density than the tissue surrounding it so that it doesn't bounce around inside the skull during impact or sudden stops. Like a car accident, or if the person became a boxer.
This is ideal for combat situations as soldiers get jarred around while fighting on the battlefield. It also protects them from extra traumatic injury from explosions. It would allow for silent communication, as well as communication underwater, and in outer space.
Also, it would enable communication if a soldier were caught behind enemy lines and stripped of all equipment after being taken prisoner. POWs would cease to exist. Or at the very least, reduce their rescue time significantly. This would aid in keeping military secrets, as the less time the enemy has to start the interrogation process, the less likely the captured prisoner is to talk.
A fighter pilot, or even a commercial pilot, would be able to control future aircraft with a direct connection to their brain, allowing instantaneous changes in direction at the speed of thought, possibly even rivaling A.I.-controlled drones. This would reduce incidents and increase overall safety.
Air Force personnel could voluntarily have their legs amputated, to be replaced with BCI-controlled bionic prosthetics, to keep blood from pooling in their lower extremities, allowing for high G-force maneuvers that no ordinary pilot could ever hope to achieve.
This has potential military applications that could save lives.
The implant is placed as close to the center of the brain as possible without disturbing any structures. A hole is drilled into the skull. The wound is closed with a bone graft or bone cement, and the skin is closed with dermal glue.
There are no electrodes, but the surface is covered with flat areas of pure gold "contact points" all over it. They're quite small, but you should be able to see them with a magnifying glass. Titanium is more biocompatible, but gold is more conductive, so gold is used because the implant is being accessed wirelessly from a distance.
When stimulated from an outside energy source, like a far-field wireless transmission, it would allow the implantee to not have to carry around batteries with them. As the implant is energized, electricity radiates outward from it. Imagine one of those Plasma Balls that sits on a shelf.

The implant would be like the center electrode, and the plasma filaments radiating outward would be the electricity that's stimulating the brain tissue.
The energy that radiates outward can create the equivalent of a "second brain" worth of electrical impulses in Human brain tissue. You would synchronize the impulses like you would synchronize the timing of an engine in a car. Car engines have a firing order. One cylinder fires, then another, etc., in a preprogrammed order.
The implant can be controlled by A.I. It would have to be, as the electrical impulses are so complex, and over nearly an entire Human brain, that in order to get any significant practical application out of it, it would require such technology as an intermediate between a supercomputer and the Human subject in order to translate the incoming information into something understandable and useful to the person.
The A.I. would also act as a "firewall", as this is a wireless signal that could be compromised in a "broadcast intrusion" style attack such as the Max Headroom incident. It involved a "pirate" signal that overwhelmed the original signal and allowed the attackers to broadcast their own illegitimate information.
When the A.I. acts as a firewall, it would be in an intelligent manner. Not like some crude software on your PC that just automatically blocks intrusions based on parameters pre-programmed in. It would "know" you. Imagine if your computer and cell phone actually "liked" you and recognized you, and it knew who your friends are, and who was ok to visit you and talk to you.
Anyone trying to gain access after that would be a stranger and not allowed in. Even if they did somehow have the correct password and 2 factor or more authentication.
When the normal Human brain is allowed to operate on its own at full capacity, this second signal of an entire second brain's worth of electrical impulses, can "supercharge" the Human brain.
The artificial "exo-cortex" would act in tandem with the Human brain. If the living flesh-and-blood Human brain had a genius IQ of 150, and the artificial electrical impulses were the equivalent of another 150 IQ, this would theoretically give the now cybernetic being a combined intelligence quotient of 300.
You should carefully select whom should and should not be an implant candidate. Their genealogy should be thoroughly examined in its entirety, as well as their recent family history. You wouldn't want to inadvertently create some kind of high IQ super serial killer on steroids that you might never catch.
The subject's brain would be watched and studied in order to know when its neurons "fire" when exposed to certain stimuli, such as words and subjects, so that a predictable timetable would be documented. This can be as simple as reading a book, watching TV, or playing video games. Then the artificial neural stimulation would be timed to fit BETWEEN those brain impulses.
The subject matter received would be fed into a supercomputer, something like a ChatGPT, to bring new information forward, which is then inserted back into the Human brain. The Human brain processes this extra information and then draws new conclusions. These new inferences are then fed back into the computer. This happens over and over until a desired outcome to a task or problem is reached.
This is how the equipment works "in tandem" and how you can speed up the thinking process. Combining these two data streams creates a third stream of the sum of the two streams which is the "supercharged" brain. This is known as "heterodyning". It's like creating an entirely different person with different brainwaves.
So there you go, you primitive screwheads.

Now we sit back and pray that I didn't just give a bunch of monkeys some machine guns.

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