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The "Near-Lethal" Time Weapon

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  There is a type of "Time Weapon" out there. supposedly built during the '60s.

  It speeds up time all around you. Imagine if a whole day, 24 hours, suddenly turned into 6 hours. It compressed time. Or at least your perception of it.

  I don't think it was any kind of "time travel" equipment. I don't think it was warping time and space around you or anything like that. I believe it was using magnetic fields to alter how your brain perceives time.

  I don't know how it works exactly, but it's supposedly a type of electromagnetic weapon based on a Tesla Coil.

  The rumors are that magnetic fields can "capture" molecules of brain chemicals by attaching to the magnetic fields of either the atoms they're made of, or the field of the molecule itself, and force them to move more slowly within the brain.

  Then the fields also interact with the electrical impulses of the brain, which have their own magnetic fields, and either "dampen" them, or force them to move slower along synapses.

   I don't know if any of this is true or even possible. We're not exactly given any peer-reviewed documents to pour over.

  However, there is a news story about how scientists are working on a plan where "prisoners could serve 1,000 year sentences in 8 hours". They change how people see time and make them feel like centuries have gone by when a shorter amount of time has passed. There are two scenarios there, and none of them mention magnetic fields or Tesla Coils. But at least the concept of altering time perception is there, so we know it's possible.

They were testing things other than nuclear weapons in those "Doom Towns" in Nevada. One guy got the business put on him while he was in one.

  When you flip the device on, it might not be immediately noticeable. We think it may take time to "ramp up." Or if brain chemistry is being altered, then maybe it takes a while for the molecules to either "build up" or start slowing down for you to notice things. Then, all of a sudden, you realize everything is speeding up. People are talking fast. Walking fast. The TV is going fast. Everything. Then you realize, it had actually been happening for a while.

  You think back. You thought you noticed the TV was moving a bit faster. But you thought you were just crazy. Maybe you were just tired. It's happened before. You think. Maybe you had a bit too much coffee. Coffee did that sometimes. But not like THIS.

  Now it was UNDENIABLE. No way coffee was doing this. You get sick to your stomach and put the coffee down. You start to wonder if you have been poisoned or drugged. But you think back and there were no signs of anyone breaking into your house. No signs of being followed. Nobody would want to kill you anyway. Plus you didn't taste anything in the coffee. Hmm.

  Cars are speeding by outside the window. Whooshing by at a high rate of speed. A normally 35 mph zone by your house suddenly looks like they're flying by at 100 mph and blazing around curves. "How are they keeping control around those turns?" you start to wonder.

  You don't know what's happening, so you sit down to think. The TV is going by so fast, you can barely keep up. And yet you do. You understand everything, but it's going by so fast. Next thing you know, the show is nearly over. And now it is over. Yet only a moment went by.

  Now that the show is over and it's at commercials, you internalize. You start to look inward, at yourself. What was captivating your attention on the outside was now gone. You start to notice your breathing is rapid. It feels heavy, but it's going FAST. This scares you. So now you feel your heart racing. Fast and faster. Pounding faster than you've ever felt it pound before.

  You suddenly think you might start to have a heart attack. There's no way this isn't a sign of one. You stand up and start pacing, but you realize maybe you should sit down so you can remain calm. Then you realize you had paced back and forth across nearly the entire length of the house, and it only took a second. It should have taken you a few. At least.

  You look at your hands, and you see them shaking. They're shaking quickly, but that's what a shake is. A quick jittering of your extremities. This is probably the only sense of normalcy you have right now. Whenever we threatened to use this weapon on someone, we'd tell them they would "start to go grey right before our eyes." Then their hands would really shake.

  You want to turn off whatever is happening so badly. You want to get it to stop. But you can't. Is this now your normal life? Is this how things will go until you die? If not, when will it stop? Will you be normal by next week? A month? Does it slowly start to stop, or does it cease suddenly?

  You notice your thoughts are racing now, and you try to keep calm. You feel surrounded, everything around you is going fast. And you have no control over it. There is nothing you can do. You feel completely helpless.

  You're sitting there watching TV again and seeing cars whoosh by out the window, and you can't do anything about it. There is no lever you can pull. No button you can push. You don't even know where it's coming from or why.

  And if it DOES turn off, if someone out there finally DOES feel like giving you mercy, it doesn't feel right.

  You never really get used to the time speeding up, but when it suddenly turns off, it doesn't feel normal again either. Now everything is too slow, and it's just as maddening as when it was too fast.

  This weapon takes a while to recover from. The strongest-willed people can take a couple of days, maybe three, for them to START to feel normal again. There will still be lingering intrusive memories, like from PTSD.

  Weaker-minded individuals can take weeks or months to get over it. It will be the only thing on their mind and all they could talk about for a long, long time.

  And everyone will think they're crazy. They will try to talk to people and tell their stories, but there is no explanation for it. They start to think it was Aliens. No way it wasn't.

  Because this is something you couldn't buy off the shelf at the store, and it's something WAY too advanced for the government. Sure, they have a lot of secret stuff, but it's things we know about. Like planes and advanced guns maybe. Not THIS stuff. It gets in your MIND, man. The government doesn't do THAT kind of stuff. Come on.

  Their wide-eyed look while they're excitedly talking about it puts people off. The goddamn Manson lamps this weapon gives you really creeps people out.

   I've seen people that this has happened to. His eyes didn't go back to normal and you didn't notice he had not mentioned his experience for a while for about 6 MONTHS. That is half a YEAR.

  And he was only under it for 15 MINUTES. Exactly. We timed it.

  I had to see this and observe the effects of it because I had to know what it was like and what it would do to people. That it would have long-lasting effects on them. So if I ever used it on someone, I would make sure that I had to, and it wasn't just used in anger.

  This is a "last resort" weapon. It's not "lethal force" like a firearm, but it's called "near-lethal". And "near-lethal" weapons are TERRIBLE. No joke.

  Some psychologists have argued they are worse than firearms.

  We had a psychologist on hand. He was a guy from India, HIGHLY educated from the best schools. He spoke with a light accent. He was with us, the "Men in Black". He had a security clearance and we kept him on for a lot of consulting, among other work.

  He could be trusted, and he would always give you his honest opinion on whatever we asked him. Even if it hurt your feelings. That's why we liked him. Sometimes we needed that so we don't screw up and let our egos get in the way.

  He just told the facts as he saw them, and to the best of his knowledge and schooling.

  He was told about the weapon, and exactly what it does. He then observed the effects it had on the guy it was used on. When asked if he would condone its usage, he was quoted as saying:

  "No. Because with a firearm, it's just 'bang' you're dead. And with a beating, you heal. And you can overcome the trauma.

  But with this, they could die by their own hand. Or even go crazy and go kill others. Like a mass shooting. It might be worse for their families. Having to deal with it.

  The fallout of this. The mental health status. The cost. The expense. The hospitalizations. The medications. The therapy. It could make them suffer. And we don't know how long.

  I've only seen him for a bit. And it takes 6 months for him to start to feel normal? That is VAST trauma. Something he will carry with him for LIFE, I'm SURE of it. Even if he appears normal. Gets a job. Does normal things. He would still be like that for LIFE.

  It could be worse for others around them. It could get expensive. For their families. And they could be poor. It could take a man who feeds his family out of the loop. The people like this--the people who do this, that you use it on, they are poor, usually. Criminals, from a poor background. It could RUIN them.

  No. I can not in good conscience allow you to use this. On anybody. I cannot condone it. It is not ethical. No way.

  A firearm is much more humane."

  I personally had it used on me before in a place that looked like a Nevada test site. Like it was a "mock" house and "town" with dummies and furniture. Everything looked like it was from the '50s. It looked like it was built for testing nuclear weapons.

  This is a place where experimental weapons of various kinds had been tested on me and others repeatedly. They piled the dead bodies of all their rape victims, dead prostitutes, and the heinous experiments they had been conducting, medical and otherwise, in the mock "houses" they had set up. Then they planned to nuke it to destroy all the evidence. Including me and any other victims that were being tested on in that location so we "couldn't talk."

Because of that, I had to leave quick, fast, and in a hurry. My friend and colleague from another team had come to get me. I was unfamiliar with the layout of the "Doom Town" I was in, and I was disoriented from the weapons testing. Possibly even drugged. He grabbed my arm and pulled me up. He was a big dude. HUGE even.

He unashamedly used steroids. He said "I do it because I want an advantage over normal men. I have to be able to pick you up if I have to. Maybe even fight if I need to. Steroids don't matter. I could die at any time. My life is worthless in the grand scheme of things. No matter how much you love me. We are at war," The dude was a savage and really knew how to deliver a line in a way that would send a chill down your spine.

He was the guy who evacuated me and anyone else related to me out of sticky situations. He practically picked me up entirely by my arm with one hand. We both took off running as fast as we could. The nuke was coming any time. We had to get to a chopper.

  I don't remember volunteering for this weapons testing. And yes, I can tell you the experience of this distortion of your perception of time is intense.

  This was non-consensual Human experimentation being conducted on me.

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