MIB Files: Monolithic Squid

Most people out there know there are Giant Squid. And that there are even larger Colossal Squid. The Colossal squid lives so deep and is so reclusive, that the largest of them are only known by their beaks found in the stomachs of Sperm Whales.
The Colossal Squid is also known to have the largest eyes to ever exist on planet Earth, measuring over a foot across at 16 inches for the largest specimen ever collected.
They're truly fascinating creatures, and the mystery of them used to captivate my mind as a child. They were so huge, and we found so few of them. They would only surface every once in a while. Sometimes years. And whenever they did, it would always make the news.
But what most people don't know is that there is an even BIGGER species. MASSIVE. Far larger than even the Colossal Squid. We refer to them as the Monolithic Squid.
When I say they're huge, I'm not kidding. This is not merely a "step up" as a Colossal Squid could be considered a "step up" from a Giant Squid. No. I'm talking HUMONGOUS. It is so vastly IMMENSE that scientists might not even agree that such a large creature COULD exist.
Like it's not possible for it to be alive in our current environment. The energy it would take just for it to breathe underwater would be monstrous, and it couldn't possibly survive and be able to sustain normal body functions. At least based on what we know.
They are the size of SKYSCRAPERS. Underwater. They are estimated to be larger than the size and length of the Twin Towers and the Burj Khalifa. That is, the largest among them could be ONE KILOMETER in size.
The only thing saving it is the fact that the buoyancy of the water keeps it from collapsing in on itself due to its sheer weight. But even that can only do so much.
It's unknown how much they weigh. Just take the dimensions of the Burj Khalifa and figure out how much that would weigh in the equivalent of meat and you'll probably get something close.
Because of this, they don't move around much. This keeps their metabolisms low. Or as low as they can so they don't burn much energy. They sustain themselves mostly on Sperm Whales, as the quantities of blubber and oil have a high-calorie content.
As far as most people know, the only natural predator of the Blue Whale is the Orca. But these Monolithic Squids are MORE than capable of making one of them a snack.
The caloric expenditure required just for them to eat is enormous. So multiple Sperm Whales would need to be eaten at once. Just for one of them to move a tentacle in a manner to "hit" something to defend itself is estimated to possibly be the caloric equivalent of an entire school of fish.
They're very old. The first squids to appear in the oceans were around 145 million years ago. If you would then give them time to evolve into the Monolithic Squids we have today, you could estimate when they first appeared. But generally speaking, it was during the Jurassic Period.
So, why are these Monolithic Squids so important? Besides the curiosity of them and the scientific study? Why am I writing about them as if they were some kind of cryptid like Bigfoot?
Because we found out they are sentient.
They have feelings and emotions equivalent to man and can suffer.
We know they're at least equal to Human intelligence. They're capable of using tools and have used them to hunt so they can capture multiple Sperm Whales at once and reduce the overall calorie expenditure required for them to eat.
They've done this for centuries, and people wonder if they've been sentient for longer than we have. Like who really has a claim to this planet? Do they have seniority? They could be wiser than us for all we know.
They've actually also pieced together and repaired radio equipment from ships that have sunk previously. They've essentially utilized technology from shipwrecks to augment their own. It would be like if Mankind found a UFO and reverse-engineered it to improve their technology. This has been a boon for them, as they don't have industrialization or factories with any kind of mass production like we do. Including miniaturized transistors.
They have lights that they built on their own. They're of chemical composition. Some of it is harvested or "researched" from the aquatic life below. They use them to see or even blind their enemy or prey. Occasionally they use them for long-distance communication. Even attempting to use them to communicate with anyone on the surface. Or even space.
Squid brains are different. They think differently than us. Not like mammals. They value different things. But they seem to be compatible in the sense that they are someone mankind can get along and cooperate with.
The squids we have normally are known to be intelligent. Not as intelligent as octopuses, but still smart. It is thought that the sheer size of the Monolithic Squids has allowed for a larger brain, and the sheer volume of it created conditions for the development of sentience and Human-level intelligence.
Simply put, the theory is that their brains may be larger and less efficient, but the overall mass has allowed for the cognitive processes equivalent to man, in an evolutionary brute-force-like method in the quantity of neurons.
The United States Navy, and pretty much every government with deep-sea submarine capability, have kept the existence of these beings secret.
The Monolithic Squids live at the bottom of the ocean, typically in the deepest parts available. They spend most of their time lying at rest, flat on the bottom. They are so huge, that you could easily miss them. You're not expecting any living creature to be so massive, so you mistake them as being a part of the LANDSCAPE. Especially if they've been at rest for a while and have had silt, mud, and sand start to cover them and their distinguishing features.
Their eyes are probably the most massive of any creature that exists on Earth, and probably ever WILL exist. Easily the size of a two-story house, or even a MANSION. They take in A LOT of light. As these squids are capable of using tools, they also have "lenses" they use to block light if they were to move toward the surface if they needed to hunt.
Not much light penetrates the deep ocean. Below 1,000 meters is said to be complete darkness, and there is no photosynthesis that takes place there. However, there is the possibility that one or two photons can make it down that far, maybe even further, and it only takes those one or two photons for a Monolithic Squid to capture with their gigantic eyes and make sense of things.
They are most certainly aware of Humans and have their own word for us. There is no way to pronounce it, as they don't have vocal cords and make entirely different sounds to communicate than we do. But it translates to "Air-Breathing-Beings."
They have attempted to make contact before but were unsuccessful. We think it may have been because nobody believed anything intelligent was down there.
Numerous sailors on U.S. Navy submarines have reported hearing a "knocking" as if it were coming from outside the submarine hull, at depths no Human could survive. Just regular knocking, as if one of us were knocking on the door of a neighbor's house. Knocking at all hours as if to try and see if anyone was home or when they might be available.
They also tried Morse code. The squids have intercepted radio and television communications before, they know what it is. They tried knocking on the hulls in Morse code, but unfortunately, everyone on board thought it was a prank. And if any leadership reported it to their superiors, they thought it was crazy. They were told to not bother reporting it anymore, and to just chalk it up as "noise" and "a coincidence that it just happened to be Morse code." they were hearing.
Let's think critically for a moment. If you were on a submarine and heard that coming from the outside in Morse code, what would you think? You'd think it was a prank. Probably start thinking up some kind of punishment for whoever was doing it. Maybe have them swab the deck. With their toothbrush. In panties.
We think they have tried to make contact because corporations and even the military have been dumping waste and even disposing of chemical weapons into the sea for decades. It may also be due to overfishing. They don't eat what we do, but it's likely the things they eat do. We think these beings are unable to stop it.
They don't have weapons like us. They don't want to. They don't have a use for them. They don't war with each other, and they don't want to war with us.
When they first made contact over the radio in their own language, they were very LOUD. We believe it's because of the size of them makes what they view as normal speech sound like an enormously loud volume to us. The sounds being made didn't even sound like language until you listened to it for a while and realized it made repeating patterns.
It sounded like someone had a mason jar over their mouth and made a really intense vomiting sound, followed by a "whooshing" that sounded like it was underwater, followed by a "sucking" and a "gurgling". All at different pitches and lengths, like syllables and even inflection.
When contact was acknowledged, they seemed to immediately "speak" more quietly. This suggested they had mirror neurons and empathy. Even manners and politeness, which indicate structure and society. It really threw everyone aback. To find out this was coming from sea creatures was most certainly not what everyone expected. They had eventually even built their own computerized translator.
They're smart enough to know not all Humans are bad. So they reached out to the Men in Black for help. They tried this as a last-ditch effort, as the ones involved in the program are exposed to creatures and concepts far out of the ordinary.
They thought they were the only ones who had a chance at finally believing them after so many years of "knocking" on submarines. Due to their dire situation, they felt they had no choice but to hack into a classified wireless communications signal.
The MIB had supposedly dealt with extraterrestrial life, after all. Why not believe them? A creature in their own seas? That surely wouldn't be that big of a stretch. The MIB even has a word for them. Civilizations that are considered separate from the rest of Earth but still live on the same planet are referred to as "intraterrestrials".
Due to their large eyes, they can see a lot of things. They know what's going on. They've seen our movies and TV. They've seen us fighting each other on the surface.
And in our submarines. Deep underwater. Where it affects them.
They've seen what goes on down there. Things that are deemed classified, just as their very existence was deemed classified too.
Events that happened. Tactics and weapons of war that the general public doesn't know about.
During the first Cold War, most people think that it was just that. Cold. The difference between a cold war and a hot war is that during a hot war, there is actual physical fighting. It's not just posturing and saber rattling.
The so-called Cold War as we know it was very much a hot war, it was just taking place in the deep oceans with submarines well out of the public eye, and nobody could prove anything. And most, if not all of it, took place in the 80's.
Russia suffered MASSIVE losses with its submarines. It was never acknowledged and kept classified we believe as a means for them to try and save face. Plus they killed a lot of civilians. Scores of them.
The United States doesn't acknowledge it because they had occasionally killed civilians, and someone had told them to stop because they had possibly been using nuclear devices of some kind and the situation could escalate.
How the U.S. Navy was destroying Russian submarines was they had what was described as a type of "razor blade" on the nose of the submarine. It was a blade that could cut the hulls of other submarines silently. No torpedoes. No explosions. It would just cut the hull and sink the ship.
The way they did it, was the American submarine would travel along with its sonar as usual. They say they had Artificial Intelligence back then, but we'll just say they had computers that were analyzing the sonar images. It would look for submarines that were hidden and stopped. As far out of a distance as they could so they could sneak up on them.
They would position themselves so they would be "under them" if they sailed by. They supposedly turned over helm control of the submarine to computers, as the maneuvers were too precise for a Human.
They would then maneuver as close as they could without spooking them. Enemy submarines would keep still and turn off everything that made noise. Then the Americans would hit full throttle so they would be going fast enough to surprise the enemy before they could move. The Americans would sail under their vessel, cut the hull wide open as much as they could, and then get away as fast as possible so their own ship wouldn't get damaged.
They did this for years. They were unstoppable. Some Russian submarines would even topple civilian fishing vessels killing a whole bunch of people like terrorists in an effort to lure the U.S. Navy out so they could figure out how they were doing it. They thought it was impossible. There was no way they were that precise. Someone had to be helping them. Maybe even aliens.
The U.S. Navy would get back at them for sinking fishing boats and sink their submarines again. Over and over and over. They could never figure it out.
So there it is. Some very classified stuff. It'll probably get someone killed.
Go ahead and tell someone some civilian who thinks he's in the Men in Black was told by a gigantic squid what goes on in the oceans. All the classified material and all that. Go ahead and make him a new Julian Assange. It will only make him famous.
And I will continue to leak classified information until the Voice-to-Skull system is turned off, or control of it is handed back over to me and my friends.
Or we can do this:

Only my price is $2.5 billion per year. We estimate it will cost 5 billion annually to keep all this covered up, so half price is a bargain.
This is a robbery. I'm mugging you. And I have a BIG gun.
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