The TI-32 "Eye of God" Satellite

The Federal Bureau of Investigation has secret files. They see these files as not subject to the Freedom of Information Act because they're "not part of the main system" and are on "removable" drives.
Some of these are also considered "open investigations", and they aren't required to comment on them or admit they're even happening. They sometimes add this label on things to deliberately keep them from the public eye.
These are files located on what's called an "S-Drive", which the existence of may have been leaked to the public fairly recently. But there are actually a lot more of these drives. They go all the way to Z, including an "X-Drive", a "Y-Drive", and a "Z-Drive".
They go in order of importance, and how crazy something might sound. For example, files on Martin Luther King Jr might be on the X-Drive, while Bigfoot investigations might be on the Z-Drive. Some of them are kept secret because the things they investigate might make the FBI not look credible anymore.
It would damage their reputation. And if the public ever found out their tax dollars were being wasted on investigating the Loch Ness Monster, they would be incensed.
Think stereotypical X-Files stuff. Yes, just like the TV series. Only they're serious about it. And because of that, they have to keep it hidden. When you investigate things as long as they have, and as thoroughly as they have, they are bound to run into things that are beyond what the general public might believe.
They talk to everybody when they're doing an investigation. Conducting over 200 interviews or more is not uncommon for each crime they investigate. Everybody has a story, and some of those stories sound crazy. Some lead nowhere. But some do lead somewhere. And you'd be surprised what you'd stumble upon.
And because the FBI has credentials and national security letters they can wield like metaphorical machineguns, they have access to things that nobody else has. They can actually get somewhere with it. Go places no one else can go. Get things no one else can get. At least short of the military, or special investigations of some kind under Special Access Programs. Cough cough. Excuse me.
The FBI was talking to some government personnel about an investigation they were conducting, most of the details of the case were irrelevant, and they came across the satellite by accident.This investigation enabled them to get access to files nobody else could get.
They were conducting an investigation over the leak of classified material by someone connected to a secret government program. While they were doing it, they stumbled upon some of their OWN files, which backed up the data they were finding.
They ran into something called the "TI-32 'Eye of God' Satellite".
It's not the Black Knight satellite before anyone asks.
The files were old like they had been there a long time. Pixelated jpg files that were degraded. Some were scans of pages that looked like they were made from copies of copies.
When examined, the file information showed the creation date of them to have been received mostly in the 90s, but the material ON them was all dated in the future. At least the future of when the files were received on the drive. In and around the year 2025.
It was definitely "Z-Drive material", as they didn't know what to make of it for decades, so it sat. But all the signs and seals were legitimate. As well as names of directors and other people involved who were confirmed to be employees of the FBI. All with signatures, dates, and phone numbers. It was considered authentic.
The "TI-32" is actually only a partial name for the satellite. After the 32, the rest of it is blacked out on all the documents I've seen so far.
It's been around since at least the '60s. The main platform was built back then, and has been added onto since the '80s. After that, records become sparse. Maybe there's been better secrecy and encryption since then, but it's very much still operational to this day.
It wasn't part of the Strategic Defense Initiative under Ronald Reagan, as it was built much earlier. It also wasn't part of any Secret Space Program or Solar Warden.
It was a completely independent machine for an unidentified purpose. And it was really well built.
Text from an FBI file reads:
"It's located typically way further out than a regular satellite, out past the moon. But it can travel if needed. It looks like it was put way out there in case the Soviets achieved the ability to travel to the moon. Looks like they wanted to put it out of the way in case they wanted to make a detour with the equipment they had."
Sometimes people wondered if the TI meant "Targeted Individual". There are tons of rumors from out of the mouths of VIPs and "people in the know" about whether it can read minds, aka RNM equipment. It's definitely not the sole origin of Remote Neural Monitoring happening worldwide, however.
It's a surveillance apparatus. Also known as the "Eye in the Sky". How on Earth the Alan Parson's Project knew about it is a mystery. However, we think this music was released deliberately to scare people. Probably as propaganda for the Russians, as this was built during the Cold War. The song was also released during this time, and it's thought that this was when the RNM equipment was added to it and the song was a signal to taunt them.
However, it was found by the FBI that there was a log of people in the government who had been accessing the satellite and using it to stalk celebrities going way back, including John Lennon and Elvis Presley. Even Tupac Shakur, Christopher Wallace aka Biggie Smalls, and Marshall Mathers aka Eminem.
Even Whitney Houston, Christina Aguilera, and Britney Spears for some reason. It was probably some kind of pervert that was behind it.
The satellite is nicknamed the "Eye of God", because it has the ability to see through anything, including houses, buildings, and skyscrapers, It even penetrates solid rock and sees into cave systems, such as the ones in Afghanistan.
It was speculated that this is how some al-Qaeda operatives who supposedly perpetrated 9/11 were found, as the CIA had expanded the cave systems for the Mujahideen during the Soviet-Afghan war. There were supposedly secret tunnels built that were not documented and were passed on by "word of mouth" only for security reasons.
The cave complex was built in such a way that they might never have been found. The complex supposedly has tunnels, rooms, and other facilities that have been lost to time due to people dying and losing the combinations, keys, and locations of the blast doors and otherwise taking the information to their graves.
Intelligence indicated that al-Qaeda had been intending to carry out many, many more attacks than what took place on 9/11, but someone employed the use of the satellite to find them before they could carry them out. At least that's how the story goes according to the "status quo".
According to reports, the satellite uses a combination of sensors. One of those is X-ray. Then Synthetic-Arpeture Radar (SAR), Space-Based Infrared System (SBIRS), Thermal Emission Imaging System (THEMIS), Backscatter X-Ray, and Ultrasound. It doesn't seem like some of these are feasible for long-range use via satellite, but that's what the documents say.
These are all supposedly combined into a single aperture that can be used simultaneously, or individually as needed. Perhaps a combination of them working in tandem has a different effect. There could be physics at play here that we don't know about.
There are more sensors in addition to those that are unlisted and classified. Completely blacked out on the document. Pages and pages of nothing but black ink practically. The FBI tried to "scan" them and see if they could adjust the contrast somehow, but couldn't find anything. They were very thoroughly censored. Like they were copied knowingly over and over to hide it.

The viewable image the sensors produce of whatever it's aimed at is almost rainbow in color. Very distinct and VERY detailed, and it can zoom in a startling amount. However far away it is in space, well past the graveyard orbit, it can zoom in for a close-up of someone's face for identification purposes.
Anyone who knows about it and is on the wrong end of it wonders if it's going to give them cancer from a distance because something that powerful can't possibly be healthy for a living target.
More from an FBI document:
"It's nuclear-powered. And huge. Almost the size of a space station. You can actually dock with it and go inside. It has breathable air in case someone needs to come in for repairs.
It "cloaks" itself. It uses movable mirrors to reflect space around it. It has refrigerant for cooling to hide its heat signature. There is also possible radar absorption material covering it, like an F-117.
It has defenses. Guns and missiles. Nice ones. Heat-seeking and laser-guided. Also manually controlled wire-guided missiles. It could theoretically be used as a weapons platform, but that's not what it's for.
They don't know who built it. Like Lockheed or whoever. It has no markings.
There's a document inside that says "space force" on it, but I've never heard of it. And it's not the Russians. Everything is in English. It looks fake. So I don't know."
Another investigation was done at some point, possibly by the FBI. Or NSA. One document reads:
"Looks American. Has English controls and computers. But no markings or flags anywhere.
Dishes for receive and send communications. Can detect a signal, but don't know where it goes. Down to the ground. Somewhere. And up. Into space.
Looks like it could have been built so long ago, people forgot where it came from. But it's still currently maintained. Not much dirt or dust anywhere inside. It's spooky."
It's not currently known who actually went up there to check it out. Maybe it was a secret space mission like Apollo 20 or something. Who knows.
That's about all I know about the history of the TI-32 "Eye of God" satellite.
In modern times, it's currently being used for the monitoring and uncovering of the identities of terrorists. A different class of terrorists not typically seen as terrorists, or at least the public has not become aware of them yet.
There's no quirky one-liner here to end this article with except to say: Put this straw in your juice box and suck it. You know who you are.
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