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World War 3 is Hybrid Warfare

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Let me start by letting you in on a "stolen" government secret. I never signed anything, so I'm not bound by any security oaths. And I'm not in possession of any documents. So there's really nothing anyone can do about this.

  I'm just a civilian, legally. If anyone black-bagged me or killed me off, it would only make everyone believe it that much more and look at it even harder. Like the Streisand effect.

  So here it is.

  There's some type of "concussive" weapon. At least that's what it's being called. It was supposedly developed in the 80's, then used and tested in Afghanistan during the War on Terror.

  It makes a loud "snap" sound. Imagine one of those piezoelectric lighters and the sound it makes, It reminds you of that, but it's much louder. And heavier. The pitch is still fairly high, but the sound is fuller. And when it hits, you can hear it echo all around you. And you can feel it, physically. There's no mistaking the sound, and everyone who knows what it is runs away.

  It causes such a severe concussion that it can make you almost brain-dead. Those who get hit with it become clinically mentally retarded, and never recover. The brain damage is too severe. But they don't die. It also detaches the retinas instantly.

  So you become intellectually disabled and blind all at once immediately. You never even know what hit you. You won't have the mental capacity to understand what happened. Or that you need help. Or even that something happened. At all. You won't know that you just went blind. You will no longer understand the mere concept of it anymore.

  Imagine hearing a "snap" on the battlefield, and then everyone around you just falls to the ground. They're completely unconscious. They eventually wake up, but they're unable to answer any questions or tell you what happened. Thank god for dog tags, because they won't even remember their own names. Ever.

  It was supposed to be a "non-lethal" option, but this weapon was considered too inhumane to use against people in war. It was also indiscriminate, as you couldn't decide to hit only combatants with it and not civilians. So it never became mainstream.

  This weapon is supposedly tuned to some kind of frequency that targets only the head and brain. For example, different organs have different resonant frequencies. like the head and brain resonate at a certain frequency. The heart and liver at others. Sounds like voodoo or black magic, but this is a field of study that is supposedly highly classified in relation to its use in warfare.

  This weapon can be used in small areas like rooms or a building. It can supposedly be scaled up to hit entire cities. Possibly an entire COUNTRY at once. A true non-lethal weapon of mass destruction that maims everyone irreparably.

  If an entire city or country were to be hit with it, it would be not a humanitarian disaster, but a legitimate humanitarian nightmare. One you couldn't wake up from. Even the local first responders would be unable to help. All aid would need to be flown in from other countries.

  There would be so many people hurt, that you might not be able to save everyone. Masses of people injured by this weapon would starve to death. Even if you could save everyone, how could you possibly care for millions of blind people who are unable to communicate or even feed themselves anymore?

  You couldn't. It would be a huge drain on resources. It's likely that it's beyond mankind's ability to accomplish. You'd just have to save as many as you can and pray to whatever deity you worship to have mercy on your dirty little hearts.

  This concussion weapon also leaves no evidence. There's no shrapnel and no gunpowder or explosive residue to detect. You just suddenly have a lot of blind people who can't speak and who aren't dead. So they aren't counted as an actual death toll, only wounded. And good luck proving what happened and who did it.

  If it was ever deployed, a country might try to cover it up as some kind of fast-spreading viral outbreak that gives you brain damage and makes people blind. Just to try and save face, if there was even anyone LEFT to HAVE face.

  From what I've heard, someone is threatening to start using this weapon on people if they don't stop the Havana Syndrome attacks and Voice-to-Skull torture of civilians.

  This looks like an escalation. One side was using the Havana Syndrome and hacking into the Voice-to-Skull system to torture people. A virus was threatened to be released if it didn't cease. That virus was the Covid pandemic. It caused untold economic damage.

  This is hybrid warfare. It's a way of waging war against a country covertly, without actually declaring war on them. It's notoriously hard to detect and prove. It's cowardly, and it's being waged across countries secretly in a Cold War 2.

  This is World War 3, people. We're right in the middle of it. Time to bring in the tomato plants.

  Some might say it started with the annexation of Crimea in 2014. Or the Russo-Georgian war in '08. Maybe even the War on Terror, which had more countries fighting in it than World War I and World War II COMBINED. But I think it all started with 9/11, which was most certainly an unconventional tactic.

  Furthermore, everyone thinks the CIA is behind al-Qaeda, or that it was a false flag. However, it was revealed that RUSSIA had links to worldwide terrorism and al-Qaeda. Everyone would be incredibly naïve to think Russia was our friend just because the Soviet Union fell.

  I think they are preying on that and using it to their advantage. I believe they are playing the long con, and that the Soviet Union's dissolution was merely camouflage for an entire COUNTRY, which may be a tactic not yet seen before.

  And that's why nobody was prepared for it. Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it, but we didn't have any previous examples here.

  Everyone who was alive back then knows the world changed after 9/11. You can ask anyone "Where were you when 9/11 happened?" And they'll have an answer for you. The world became more fascist. Our rights were dissolved into static. Those who were born AFTER 9/11 don't know what the world was like. They think the triggering event for the hard times was Harambe or something.

  According to intelligence sources from our surveillance apparatus, Russia is pushing HARD to get another country to use a nuclear bomb on them FIRST, so they can act like the victim and use it as an excuse to launch their own.

  First, they will wage all-out war. Geneva Conventions be damned. They intend to kill and maim as many people as they can in the most gruesome ways possible. Think poisonings and slow deaths like Alexander Litvinenko, but on a MASS scale. This is pure, unadulterated terrorism, in its rawest form.

  Only doing it as covertly as possible so they can deny everything. Or at least as much as possible. There is still the Human element. People screw up. There are leaks. There is spying.

  They intend to reduce as much of the potential damage to themselves as possible and have spin doctors at the ready. Huge rooms and warehouses are full of people putting their heads together around the clock while using methamphetamine and pouring over as many details in the media as they can find to get an angle. All this is augmented with ChatGPT and other A.I. tools.

  They intend to do more nerve agent poisonings, such as the poisoning of Sergei and Yulia Skripal. Many people have heard of nerve agents and nerve gas before. Most people know it will kill you. But people don't really realize how gruesome it is when it kills you. It's a terrible and painful way to die. And it's going to be deliberately wielded BECAUSE it is. These poisonings are intentionally done very publicly in order to strike fear into the enemy.

  They intend to scale up microwave weapons such as what's used in Havana Syndrome to "cook" people alive over wide areas. Entire cities if they can pull it off. They intend to launch nuclear-powered satellites into space to blanket whole cities with amplified radiofrequency weapons 24/7. They then intend to steer and deliberately crash the satellites once the fuel is nearly spent to disperse as much radioactive material as they can over a wide area on any target of opportunity they deem to be an enemy.

  They intend to wage chemical warfare by dropping fentanyl and carfentanyl out of planes over cities if they can get away with it. Even small civilian planes will work for this and can do a lot of damage. especially if the wind catches it. It doesn't seem like it would be very effective, but it's scary sounding, and at the very least, it would likely force authorities to evacuate large areas. Beware of this, as it could be used to "steer" and "herd" people wherever they see fit.

  They intend to exhaust their proxy forces consisting of North Korea and Iran. They intend to use them like Kamikaze suiciders only as entire countries. They're planning to use "Zerg Rush" tactics to deplete as much of the enemy's budget and resources as possible.

  The last thing they intend to do after they've exhausted their proxy forces in a devastating and bloody war is to attack the crops and livestock. Farmland over the United States and anywhere else that grows mass quantities of food.

  There are multiple options for doing it. We know there are pathogens that can attack crops. And livestock. We know Russia has them. They can also genetically modify some weevils to make them hardier, while also increasing their reproduction exponentially. The goal is to cause them to spread rapidly, and render all pesticides useless.

  There is also the option of dispersing defoliants like Agent Orange over crop fields. There may be different or newer defoliants potentially used or being developed. Their intention is to render the soil on these fields unusable permanently.

  This would require the airspace above the United States to be wide open, which is not likely to happen. It is more likely they will use suicide drone swarms each carrying a defoliant warhead to overwhelm the air defenses. Basically creating too many targets to shoot down at once. If only one or two warheads get through, then they'll send another swarm, and another, until all the crops are killed and all fields neutralized

  They intend to starve the WORLD to death. Kill everyone slowly and painfully. Like the Holodomor, only on a worldwide scale. This is not the apocalypse you were expecting.

  But why would Putin do something like this? Does he have cancer and realize he's got nothing left to lose now? He was a communist in the KGB before he was the Russian president, maybe he's still got an axe to grind against the capitalist pigs. After all, you don't just suddenly stop being a communist after you've been born into it and lived in it your whole life.

  Well, rumor has it Putin isn't even in power anymore. Hasn't been for a while. What we've all been allegedly seeing is various body doubles. Possibly for years. Maybe even decades, but that's a stretch.

  So who's really behind it? The Russian oligarchs? Some kind of their version of the Illuminati or secret society?

  The rumors are the hidden hand is originating from off-world.

  Like some kind of extraterrestrial force is trying to turn us against each other. To weaken us, so when their main forces arrive, we're easier to defeat. Typically on Earth, before waging actual open war, a country will send in its spies, and then its Special Forces.

  Special Forces here on Earth, such as the Green Berets, wage what's called Unconventional Warfare. This can involve training a populace to fight an insurgency. Like they're trying to get Earthlings to do all the hard work for them.

  Could this be what's happening on Earth? The idea of us being at war with each other in this day and age is absurd if you think about it. This isn't medieval times anymore, and we should stop acting like it.

  I think it's time people become united on this planet, and real quick too. Because if this ISN'T an outside force turning us against each other, we're sitting ducks if one DOES decide to come along and take advantage of a situation. This really is a matter of national security for every single country on this Earth.

  And I think the idea being spread around of a fake alien invasion being planned by way of Project Blue Beam is something to get us all to let our guard down, so if a REAL invasion happens, people will disregard it. Even ridicule it. Like what Morpheus in The Matrix essentially says, people will police themselves.

  At the very least, I think we should button up and prepare for the possibility of an alien invasion. We don't know what's out there. Could be man-eating cannibals from an apocalyptic planet stripped of all its resources whose society considers pedophilia an accepted and normal way of life.

  This is a worst-case scenario, and we need to protect ourselves from that. There is ZERO plan whatsoever that the common man is aware of. Nobody knows what to do if it happens.

And the nukes should be pointed OUTWARD, not INWARD.

  Every single country currently at war on this planet right now are in the United Nations. It's the UNITED Nations, not the "United-Whenever-We-Feel-Like-iI Nations".

  Get your shit together already.

  Or perish.

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